PON01_00895 - LABoratorio REPair LABREP |
PON01_0169 - Emergent Laser fIber Optic welded Structure ELIOS |
PONa3_00007 - NAtional FAcilities for Superconduction SYstem NAFASSY |
PON03PE_00111_1 - MAterials and process TEchnologies of high efficiency for innovative MIcrofusions MATEMI |
PON03PE_00111_2 - New techonolgies for low emission and long endurance piston engines in aeronautics TIMA |
PON03PE_00129_1 - Development of eco-compatible materials and technologies of drilling and trimming processes and robotized assembly STEPFAR |
Sviluppo e industrializzazione Sistemi a Radiofrequanza e finiestre elettromagnetiche SIRENA |
Advanced materials solutions for next generation high efficiency concentrated solar power (CSP) tower systems, Horizon 2020 (H2020-NMBP-2016-two-stage, Proposal # 721045-2) NEXTOWER |